Thank You for joining us!
(Warning very looooong post)
My one year blogoversary is coming up
so it is a great reason to celebrate and say
Thank You to everyone that follows me and
says such lovely things about my creations!!
Even when I am not happy with my work,
everyone is very kind and it means a lot.
It is always a wonderful start to my day to wake up and hear how wonderful I am by all you kind friends!
I wanted to do a blog candy when I
reached 100 followers back in February, to thank
my great peeps, but money did not allow it at the time. So I have been collecting tid-bits ever since
to give one giant THANK YOU to
everyone for your awesomeness!!!!!
(Well, let me clarify, as much as I would like to,
I can't give a gift to everyone, but I
have a couple to share.)
To my faithful followers and to my new
followers "Thank You" does not seem to be enough,
soooooooo lets let the party get started!
Rules (only one)
You do not have to be my follower
(Unless of course you like
what you see and just want to)
You also do not have to post it on your sidebar,
again, unless you just want to.
You do however need to completely expose your illness when it comes to how addicted you
are to crafting!
(Come on now nothing is really free...
You have to work a little here!!)
Now when I say completely expose yourself, this is a family show, so of course I do not mean literally,
I repeat I do not mean literally! LOL!
I do want know all the details
of how badly you have been bitten by the crafting bug.
What I really want is for people to make me feel better about myself knowing there might be someone
out there more ill than me! LOL!
So first let me entice you with the goodies so you can think about your problem, then I will share
my addictions and let you "top that" at the end.
First, I would like to give a gift to my bestest
buddy Dorcas who drug me into this mess I mean
introduced me to this wonderful world of blogging!
I thought we would just take her out of the
running and give her her own gift.
Just a little catch girlfriend... You must also
expose yourself like everyone else in order to claim your prize. You must use your illness and not mine!!
It will be revealed when the other winners are posted as to what you have won.
Dorcas Gift #1
Contents: Surprise!!
Gift #2
Contents Of Gift # 2
K&Co. Somerset Scrap Kit
School Days Scrap Kit By Pebbles
7 Pc. Clear Stamp Set By Inkadinkadoo
3 Pc. Clear stamp Set By Making Memories
1 Dimensional Frame By K&Co.
1 Grand Adhesions By K&Co.
1 Set of Chipboard Frames By Making Memories
4 Dimensional Sticker Sets By Making Memories
1 EK Success butterfly Pop Up Punch
1 Martha Stewart Hydrangea Edge Punch
3 Sheets Of Thank You Stickers By Heidi Swapp
1 Pack Of Purple Mini Roses By Recollections
2- Packs Of Pearl Flowers by Oplaline
5- Making Memories Assorted Eyelets- Pastels
Gift #3
Contents Of Gift # 3
Simply Perfect Wedding Scrap Kit
Colorbok Scrap Kit
Mini Page Kit by Colorbok
1 Flower Chipboard Book
7Pc. Clear Stamp Set By Inkadinkadoo
7Pc. Clear Stamp Set By Recollections
2 Grand Adhesions By K&Co.
3 Pages Thank You Stickers By Heidi Swapp
1 EK Success Edger Punch
1 EK Success Butterfly Pop Up Punch
1 Pack Of Orange Mini Roses
2 Pack Of Pearl Flowers By Opaline
5 Making Memories Assorted Eyelets- Earth Tones
Gift #4- A mystery package!
I will keep adding to this gift as time
goes on.
Gift #5 Bunny Zoe's Gift Card 10lb
Gift #6 Bunny Zoes' Gift Card 5lb.
Gift # 7
A $10.00 Gift Certificate to
Gift #8
Another $10.00 Gift Certificate to
Candy Ends Monday July 18th
OK now that you see what is on the table now lets talk about how to be eligible.
I want to know how badly you have been bitten by the bug. How addicted are you? The more you expose yourself, (Again, not literally!) and the funnier your comments are, the better your chances.
If you have a gift preference you may put it by your name and you will be put in that draw. If not then it will be random.
**This is a revision**
All comments up to this point are acceptable
and in the running. I saved the questions so I know what your
answers are referring to
I removed the questions so you don't feel you have to answer everything. So I am instead exposing myself and giving you opportunity to top that...
If you think that is bad listen to this....
Again I am looking for funny and if you need to
go to crafter's anonymous!
Hello my name is Stacey and I am addicted
to crafting!!
OK Here is brutal honesty.
Grab a cup of something I have a lot to confess!
I like to start off with some form of chocolate. It helps me get in a creative frame of mind and gets the happy juices flowing.
When I am looking for the perfect embellishment and can't find it in my stash I will roam the house looking for something I can steal and completely desecrate it. It is like having a closet full of clothes and having nothing to wear. So I look in flower baskets, buttons on clothes, dangling jewels on blankets, pillows & lampshades. Fringe, tassels, metal do dads. Anything is fair game! In the rare chance I do buy something for the home or even clothes, if it has something fun on it to use later when it is old, that helps me to make a decision to purchase it. Pretty jewels, flowers, awesome buttons, a metal tag. Everything has potential to end up on my crafting table!
When I am cleaning (Notice the word when. A very rare occurrence these days) out the closet I used to have this rule "If I have not worn it in a year" it goes rule. Now it is "What can I take off this and use in my crafts" rule. I started this after I regretted deeply not keeping my wedding dress so I could use all the beautiful gems, pearls & lace on our Wedding album. It had gotten ruined shortly after we got married when we had it cleaned. It came back with pearls melted and the roses all apart. So It was always such a sore subject, I just wanted to get rid of it and gave it to goodwill. I immediately realized what I had done, but it never turned up. So after that regret, I NEVER let that happen again! NOTHING gets past me and my scissors anymore!
There are times I have been in a public place and see a ribbon, or buttons, jewels (Can you see I have an attraction to jewels? If it is shiney I am entranced with the possibilities) and have been tempted to pick it up. Depends where it is if it actually ends up in my purse. I drew the line at the public restroom. At least I have limits! LOL
I find suicide jumper jewels and other do-dads EVERYWHERE! The car, the bottom of my feet, hair, couch, in the dryer, in my pocket, my husband's hair the list is endless. When I sweep the floor (Notice the word when again) I am forever finding jewels and eyelets and other bits so I have been known to raid the dust pan. It just feels wrong to throw them out. It feels as if I am murdering one precious jewel at a time. So I MUST save them. I have been known to save some out of the vacuum as well. I see them spinning in the canister saying:"Help me!" So like any good person would I save the day and bring them to safety. And yes, I have even saved some from the paper trash. So far there has been nothing worth rooting through the food trash, but if I had too, I would put on my hero cape and plow through to save the day. I posed the question earlier that if the dog ate something how valuable would it have to be before you "waited for it" I don't own a dog either like many of you, but it would have to be something really precious to me. Like my Martha Stewart Punches or Spellbinders diecuts. Since I don't foresee coming across a dog that big, phew, I don't have to worry about that one! Just trying to justify how "normal" I am!
As I mentioned before and it seemed to gross out some of you, things would often get stuck to the cat's butt. Which means he used to lay in the middle of my projects and because he had very long hair, he ended up with many things stuck to him. Sometimes I would loose things and have no idea what happened to them, I just had it. Then I would find it stuck to his tail or bottom. I have also found things that I just had, on my sleeve or even in the chocolate covered raisins. How did that get there? After an insane search for a sticker I just had, I found it on my sleeve about an hour later. And don't think Dorcas did not make fun of me for that one! I still am living that one down!
My husband hurt his back a few months ago and is still out of work healing. So he is now starting to realize that I don't slave all day cleaning the house as I previously convinced him of. (I was quite crafty at making the house "appear clean" so there is more time to craft.) "be careful, I just washed the floor!" (15 min before he came home) He also sees that dinner did not take all day either. It took 20 min because I crafted all day and sort of forgot that we need to eat. He is also starting to see that not every package I receive in the mail is blog candy or something I have won. He also sees that when food gets very low, somehow craft goodies are still finding there way in the house.
" I have no idea how that new package of Nesties ended up in my room!!" I must use it, no sense letting a perfectly good package of Nesties go to waste!
Who needs food anyway! As long as I have my chocolate we are good to go!
That leads into my definite obsession with collecting craft goodies. I LOVE paper and think I am responsible for wiping out a whole rain forest myself. I have been known to have a paper pack or two or three or four... I recycle other items to make myself feel better for my responsibility in depleting trees everywhere. But the paper is so pretty!!!! Then you have companies like K&Co. that target people like me so I have to get EVERYTHING that matches! I could open a store with my stash! I won't, but I could. I told my husband if something happens to me don't throw out my stuff, you could live comfortably on that a while! That is not entirely true, because as all you crafter know, if you can't use a 40% off coupon none of us would buy it!
OK, so there you have it. I am sure there is more, but I have bored you enough! Now it is your turn. Can you top that?... Go ahead give it a try. There has to be someone worse than me. Right?!! We just have to find someone willing to admit it!
I do want to see some funny stuff !! Expose it all, well you know what I mean. The more you share, the greater your chances to win!
Have fun with this and Thank You very much for all your support this past year!

All I can say dear Stacey, is that you really know how to celebrate!! Your planned gifts are wonderful and may you have many more wonderful Internet years!
OMGoodness, girlfriend! I was gonna say take me out of the running cos I didn't want you to feel pressured by my big droopy eyes begging, lol But since you've already counted me in, well, count me in!!!
OK, now I really think it would be more fun to expose your sickness since I'm perfectly normal. :-D I mean, who found a gem stuck to the cat's butt? Not me! Frankly I try not to look at cats butts. And who had the missing sticker stuck to her shirt sleeve? Again, not moi! Who wanted to rip apart her wedding dress for the beads? Oh yeah! Feeling warm?
OK ok, ok. FINE!
Have I taken apart clothes for the bits and bobs? Yes. *cringe*. If I'm going through my closet and wondering what to keep and what to toss I tend to look at what the garment could provide craftwise. Of course! Its called thriftiness. My one mission in life is to save my husband money, Hello! Its a button thing. He who dies with the most buttons wins. And I think I'll win.Prize? Buttons.
I WILL NOT pay $40 for any article of clothing but I will happily spend $40 on buttons, ribbon or charms.
Choice of food or craft items? Craft items. Hey, We can eat anytime but this sale may not last forever!
I have picked up broken silk flowers off the floor at Michaels but being the honest person that I am, I asked the cashier if it was ok and she said NOOOOO! Can you believe it?? You'd think that if I got the A-OK I would go around plucking flower heads off perfectly good bunches. Do I have that kind of face? All I wanted was the bits that had dropped off and were being swept up. How anal can you get? Them, not me.
So anyway, as you can see I'm perfectly well adjusted which is why I'm such a good friend for you. :-D
Thanks for the candy! I will be nagging you for the next two weeks for clues!
You're all hysterical, I thought it was only me that was a thrifty nut, guess there are more nuts in the shell I never knew of.
Cat's butt, I think not and no I'm not fetching grass from Fido's butt either, to me....that's a mans job.
No, no, not even if they do that carpet side step slide, just no!
Food or craft items, since I'm very fluffy hard choice, would this food be healthy food or can it consist of items the mush and melt such as ice cream?
Never look to sweep things off the floor but out of my paper trash, of course, it's just clean paper in there right? Hey, Honey where did you toss that????? Ewwwww gross, hope your Mom never finds out.
Back to that cats butt, seriously anything buried in kitty litter or about to, doesn't work well for me, a dangling piece of Christmas tinsel, um, well, maybe, just maybe, wait no, just no, it can't be recycled don't even go there.
OK, how did I do? If I quack like the ducks are my chances better? Our 19 month old grandson just taught me to quack and shake my tail feathers want to see?
Great candy and I so love the humor. :) Lori m
Hmmm...so, no, I guess I don't think much about salvaging clothing because of sequins or buttons but then my clothes are pretty basic. There was a time when I'd buy on expensive handbag before anything else-today, not so much! I love, love, LOVE my scrap and card making supplies. I'm trying, oh, so hard, not to hoard paper---but I do so love paper!!! Oh, and those Copics---
I go in munchy jags-used to be peanut M&Ms, then almond M&Ms. Then I went to peanuts but lately, pistachios are my snack of choice.
You bet I'll grab an item out of the trash (craft room trash-NOT garbage!)
The cat doesn't hand out in my craft room-nothing for him to eat there so I don't have to worry about him carting off supplies. The dogs join me. One of them has enjoyed a few rubber stamps and munched on flowers---nothing to salvage! They've learned not to mess with Momma's stuff!
Yes, indeed, I could open my room for business but I'd have to spend some serious time cleaning and organizing and quite frankly, I'd rather color!
Okay, here I go:
1) my craft snack of choice is maoam soft candies. They don't make you too sticky so you can keep working and if you have the fortitude you can actually suck on them for a long time!
2)and 3) I will take almost anything from almost anywhere to use on a card. Including picking up a tiny silver bird bead I found on the street
4) I have found jewels, pearls, beads and quilled items almost everywhere in my apartment. the best was when I was quilling an animal and suddenly the eye flew out of my tweezers. I looked everywhere but couldn't find it. Days later I found it stuck to a cross-stitch I was working on
5) Well, actually my sister does the vacuuming for me, so nope it just all get sucked up
6) I only keep a paper garbage on my crafting table, so yes.
7) god only knows, I am still looking for whatever it is
8) Don't have a dog and the cat is really fussy about what she eats
9) I am boring and use the if I haven't worn it in a year (or two or three) rule
10) absolutely, I own EVERY colour of quilling paper
11) I would buy them and then figure out what else I needed to give up
12) I don't think so, but I think my sister would beg to differ!
Hey your candy has been added in the Blog Candies section at Feline Playful! Hope you get lots of traffic via Feline Playful blog!
P.S: Will come back later to play.
hi stacy thanks for inviting me to play your game and a chance to win the candy, i havent a sweet tooth but this type of candy is definately my fave,
so here goes hun,
1,as far as crafting snacks go i dont as i havent the time tp spare to feed myself and would never want to chance gettin sticky c**p on my beautiful bling
2,oooh now you have said few of my sins like buttons but also i nick the haniging ribbon out of wardrobe clothes ooops, and have been known to pick out the loly gems/sequins from my duvet if they match my project, (well he isnt going to notice is he)
4, ooh ive hoovered many times and still find them on my floor and in my bed, dyson sheesh they no match for my gems and glitter
8, now i wpould be tempted to wait for anything, depends what doggie has eaten besides my beloved stash, maybe not wait for my ribbons though lol
9,GET RID of clothes are you mad, i keep everything clothes/shoes/bags and of course my crafty stash, much to hubby.s dismay, ive nicked his shelves in his wardrobe now his stuff has to go on the floor,
10, maybe not a shop but surely would fill a decent market stall but wouldnt be able to sell it so would be just for show
11,id feed the kids o bread an jam i have a few extra stone on me so could do without food for a month or so, oooh those martha stewart punches just look tooo goood to miss,
Im also guilty of going out with an oversized bag so hubby doesnt know what ive bought lol, he hates me buying more stuff as i have loads already but what can i say, i really need that paper/ribbon/border punch/stamp/bling/buttons/flowers the list is endless and i couldnt possibly make a decent card without all of them.
hugs stacey and thanks for the chance to win xxx
I saw your candy announced at Dorca's blog :)
1. Chocolate and icecream
2. Sorry, nothing...
3. Yes, I pick them up almost always, specially if they look nice and also I can picture them in a craft.
4. Hair most of the time.
5. Yes!
6. Yes, why not?
7. My sleeves, my daughter's sleeves or my daughter's feet.
8. No pets here...
9. Yes, specially if it has buttons or any detail like ribbons, flowers or something "craftable".
10. No yet :(
11. B
12. Don't know, never thought about it... next time I'll do!
Thanks for the fun and the chance... any gift is OK for me ;)
Hi Stacey. How colourful those parcels are! Right then, to answer a few questions for you.....
1) crafting snack of choice - don't snack whilst crafting (can't live with the pressure of getting sticky fingers on my card), but I eat some chocolate everyday to keep my energy levels up for crafting! LOL
2)stolen form your house? LOL, well everything in the house is mine so it is not stealing!
3)Public place and been tempted to pick stuff up ....
I do admit that if I go to a 'do', weddings etc, any table confetti, or sundry sparkly items have found their way into my handbag somehow, LOL, I need them for scrapbooking purposes to commemorate the day!!!! - hubby had to stop me picking some off the floor once.
4)my gems seem to walk around the house....leading to...
5)After vacuuming? Hey,I always check as I am going along so I don't sweep any up!!!
6, 7 & 8)not funny to you in the least - Never had crafty stuff end up in the bin by mistake....and don't have a dog for this to be a problem! LOL
9) Buttons are fair game or anything else I can see has a possible 'second life'.
10) Open a store with your stash? NEVER! I NEED it all!!! Silly question gf. LOL.
12) I have bought a very cheap belt once just because it was made up of thousands of beads & it was cheaper to buy the belt than buy the beads in the craft shop!
Hi Stacy! How much fun is this? I found you through Droca's blog. What beautiful crafty creations you have. ~jeni :)
1) Grande decaf caramel macchiato...Mmmmmmm
2)I have been known to steal a button or two from my Hubby's pants and replace with a more boring button. Shhhh...
3)Girl, I will pick up anything if it looks like I could craft it somewhere. God made dirt...dirt won't hurt!
4)I find stuff stuck to my bum, all over my furry baby Bella(because she sits right under me all the time) and I have even found twine in hubby's hair...hmmmm
5)Every time I empty the plastic bin on the vacuum I do a quick check for run aways!
6)If they fall in my paper can I would DIG through it, if they fall in the REAL trash, it depends on how much I like it.
7) Usually stuck to my arm but sometimes it crawls under stuff on my desk.
8) It would be lost...sorry but I hope it had a nice journey.
9) If the clothes are wearable I will donate to good will, everything else is fair game...they get stripped!
10) It's sad but I really could. My crafty friends turn to me when they are looking for something. They call it the Flip-Flop Shop. Lol
11) C... Gotta Eat, Gotta Craft!
12) Nah, I try to buy things that last a while so I won't have to replace them too soon...more money for crafting!
Congrats Stacey!
1) I try not to snack when I craft. If there is something to spill or a way to leave a finger print, I am sure to do it. I keep all goodies out of my craft room. (I've learned this from experience)
2) Most common thing I have stolen is ribbon. Usually from mine or my DD's pj pants. They have the best ribbon as ties. I've also stolen buttons off clothes, especially the extra buttons.
3)No. I have never seen anything good. Plus my DD picks up everything from anywhere. Trying to show her it is not ok to pick everything up
4) The driver's seat in the car and my bed. Anytime I use glitter, I get it every where. And I do mean everywhere. I swear it is even in my hair somehow and I leave a trail where ever I go.
5)Yes. I find lots of beads, brads, and eyelets this way. I can't believe I have dropped all this stuff. Must be the kids. ;)
6)Depends on the value of the item. I dig in my craft garbage all the time. Has to be something important to dig in the kitchen garbage. I have done it though when my smallest nestie die went missing. I made my DH dig first. He didn't find it so I had to look through it too. Sadly, it was never recovered. :(
7)Usually right in front of me and I just don't see if for some reason. Or I put it away, not in the right place of course.
8)I agree with you, a die or punch. I would be more worried about what it is doing to my dog (and the vet bills to follow) than the die.
9)Both! Before it goes in the giveaway or trash pile, I definitely "recycle" any goodies that might be useful. I have kept items (ie: shirts out of cute fabric) to use to make flowers.
10) No. I recently was able to set up a craft room and when I moved into I cleaned everything out. (I would have been able to before) I sold a lot of items and then I donated a lot to my local 14-H scrapbook club. The girls were thrilled to get it and I got a huge envelope with thank you cards from them.
Sorry, I know most of my answers are funny but I'm stickin' with them.
Thank you for the chance to win the candy Stacey!
Lol, Lori sent me here saying that I would spew coffee on my monitor if I read your blog. No coffee this morning, but the coconut water is all over my keyboard. You are hilarious! I'm your newest follower.
As for how badly I'm bitten by the bug...
I eat everything in my craft room. Breakfast, lunch, dinner, snacks, midnight snacks. I have one of those plastic paper containers that don't hold paper... they hold snacks. Sometimes I forget to eat and the only indicator that I was in there too long is my cat gnawing at my ankles. Whoops.
I do not throw away clothes. I'm a paper hoarder, do you think I'm going to just throw away clothes? Heck no! I have been known to take a couple of buttons or zipper pulls from pants, though. And then I still use them like a hobo.
I've never thought to check Sabo's butt for rhinestones and whatnot, but I'm always losing stuff so next time, that'll be the first place I look!
I can't open up a shop with my stash. I wouldn't want to cause I need everything. EVERYTHING.
Ah, dinner. That's why I married someone who likes to eat out a lot. :D
cely_rohr at hotmail dot com
Oh wow, seems like you are going to have one awesome celebration. Thanks for stopping by to visit me. I am now a follower and sure glad too. ~Shen
Stacey, you really know how to celebrate! I love to read about your addiction :-) I started with origamifolding, then learning how to make them flat to put on birthdaycards. Then started embroidery on cards, then 3D with embroidery, then ofcourse collage (with and without embroidery), then parchment and THEN the addiction to rubber came ....oh how I wished so many times I didn't buy that first rubberstamp .... Now I cannot do without, whatever I make, cards/boxes/books/altered art, I HVE to use rubberstamps with them.
OMG stace!! I dont think i can top your essay!!!
I got hooked back in March 2009 when i first started out with a dovecrafts gift pack and then went onto finding shops like The Range and Hobbycraft where i could (i mean I did) went mad and bought alsorts of materials and finally plucked up the courage to start my blog in May 2009 and found it really nice and useful that there were others like me and get to know lots of other like minded people!
I was lucky enough back in June 2010 to be on my first ever DT and since then i had the confidence to apply for other DT's and i must say its been a real pleasure working with some fabby talented people and also to inspire others!
My biggest obession must be digi stamps and using my promarkers! I would be lost if i didnt have them and also my nesties!
Is that long enough for you LOL
Thank you so much Stace for such a great giveaway you are one very generous lady indeed!!
Sal xx
Dear Stacy,
It is really hilarious to read about everybodies addictions.
Me on the other hand....I am NOT addicted...I do NOT act like a frantic bird everytime I see a glitter.....my money is wisely spend....my children are fed on time...my husband never complains....I am a dedicated housewife.....I do NOT order on-line....I do not have to have all the colors of distressinkt....or other goodies.....or.....
One thing I do not understand....how come my bookshelves have no room for books anymore??....could it be I'm in denieal?? O dear......
Hope I quallify for one of your lovely candies though. I love surprizes!
Hi. Read about the blog candy from Dorcas...Love your addiction story...LOL!
Well, here's mine:
I don't eat or take time to eat when I'm crafting and I get very annoyed that my kids want me to stop and get them a snack (they are all between the ages of 14 and 7 so old enough to get their own snacks! Right??) I do have a big beverage in a cup with a lid on my table to stay hydrated...usually with some kind of iced tea. You'd think this would be a great way to lose weight with how much I craft...but sadly, "No" doesn't help a bit.
I stay up way too late into the wee hours when working on a project and my hubby will say "what time did you get to bed last night?" Do I have to tell the truth?
House work always suffers...crafting is way more fun. Can I blame it on the sketch deadlines??
I most often craft at night because I have 2 daughters who always want to craft when I do...and they want to use the most expensive items in my room for their cards to their friends and they constantly require help with cutting and color choices. It is very distracting when my own creative juices are running. Oh, and my seven year old son likes to use my punches and makes confetti all over the craft room floor. And they never clean up after themselves and I think I suffer from craft room OCD.
I am always searching the house for that perfect original thing that could go on my cards or on a scrapbook page.
I not only spend lots on craft items but then need items to keep said items organized in my room...my favorite place to find these is IKEA and since the closest one is 2 hours away I call my brother who lives in Phoenix to pick up items for me and bring them in his suitcase when he's flying home for a visit. (oh, I live in Ohio) And then, my crafting friends will see things and ask if he can bring more home the next time. LOL, poor Phil, he didn't know being my brother would require being a private UPS man.
My biggest complaint about craftng is that they keep coming out with such cute stuff that my bank account can't keep up!
Well, there's my craft craziness story. Hope I win one of the fabulous prizes!
Thank you Stacey for inviting me to join in your illness, addiction, disease, indisposition, bad health and improper chemical reaction to Crafting and Blogging................................
First of all, I have done so many crafting things over the years that I really never intended to become what I am now. It all stems from the husband saying he did not have a hobby - TOTALLY STUPID PERSON - but that is a male version of the human being for you. So I booked a holiday not just any holiday a fishing holiday, with that booked he had not fishing gear.................so we had to buy a good grand's worth for him to actually play with.(play he does, never won a match yet) so sorry I am distracting myself from the main objective. So with him fishing every and I mean every weekend, I was somewhat bored. I picked up the knitting that has sat there for around five years and quickly got fed up with that, so decided on a whim when in a shop to buy some card blanks and a few embelly things and make cards. OMG!!!! my first creations were horrid, but the husband decided that the lady at his work should advise me to shop in local shops where she shopped and told him in no uncertain terms to buy me a cuttlebug - dutifully done "what do you do with one of these things" He arranged for me to meet up with this strange bod giving me advise!!!!! Polly her name is well I had worked with her 10 years earlier. Polly introduced me to blog land............how very kind of her. So now I have no time as I am either creating cards, playing with glue, glitter, paint, and all the other lovely bits we love, I also have no time to do housework however a lovely blogger called Ruth told me that if I did not disturb the dust no one would know I had not done it.....the tumbler is fab I could avoid ironing for weeks...........work well being a full time worker - that gets in my way, how inconvenient... So I spend every penny I own on new stash, bribe the husband to buy new fishing gear so that I can then spend on crafting gear........the guy in the fishing shop knows me so well he suggests higher priced items so I can spend more, you see the fishing shop is only around the corner from the crafting shop, so we go craft shopping after the fishing shopping and I love the fishing guy.............and definitely not in that sense. I am now doing classes so I can visit my shop more often to spend and to earn money to buy more stash. I now have to sell my cards, as I have to many for our family needs and blogging well we never eat until I have photographed my stuff and blogged it, commented on all the DT's and returned all my comments..............we are wasssssssssstttttttttttinnnnnnnnng away, but I totally adore my current life with the exception that if I won the lottery I could give up work, buy everything, buy a motorhome so I can craft near the fishing lake with the husband and get a sun tan like his (he makes me sick) I could pay for a cleaner/cook and I would be in HEAVEN!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
so all in all I think I am a normal crafter/blogger
Hugs and enjoy reading all the other lovely comments and thank you so much for the opportunity and good luck to all you mad people
Kate xx
Wow, some crazy people out there. I have been obsessed with stamping for about ten years. I started buying stamps and realized that if I started to sell stamps, I could get a discount. I was a demonstrator of The Angel Company, Close to My Heart and Stampin Up all at the same time. The only customer was me (and sometimes a lady I stamped with). It was a very expensive monthly minimum. After four years of that and 2,000 stamp sets later, I quit being a demonstrator (to no one but myself). Found a Michaels and an AC Moore. You would have thought I died and gone to heaven. I took vacation days for QVC Craft Day. I taped the shows and would watch them over and over until I realized just how much I really needed everything they were showing. My biggest problem is that I definitely can't use any of the paper or embellishments that I buy because then I won't have it anymore. I do believe that the person with the most crafting items when they die wins! I have every color of copic marker, a cricut machine that I might have used three times, but have ten or more cartridges and two die cutting machines (Wishblade and Gazelle). My new love is anything digi. I can use these things over and over and over. Problem is I buy everything that is on sale. One day I will realize that if I don't get it on sale today, the same sale will happen in a month (sometimes a week). Because of my work, I only get home on the weekend (where all my crafting items are). My poor husband is alone all week, and when I get home, all I want to do is make cards (either paper or digital). I don't want to go for dinner or shopping or anything. We are in the process of selling (or trying to) our house. My biggest concern when I move is that I have an enormous craft area, preferably a finished basement for my craft items like I have now. At least I have never picked anything from an animals butt, but I have asked friends that I know sew for extra material. I have quit going to shows at convention centers because I am tired of buying duplicate stamps, ink pads, etc. At least I can be assured that if I ever had to sell everything I owned, I'd be able to live off the profits for a very, very long time. I think I only work for craft money! Thanks for the opportunity to get the candy. I loved everyone's stories.
Hi , Congratulations! How funny you are and all the things you shared. My favorite snacks are hershey kisses, goldfish crackers, and animal crackers. I sm s kindergarten teacher so I do crafting things at work. This helps to feed my habit. I also love sewing so between the sewing stash and paper crafting stash and the things I find to use at school, it would be hard for me to admit what all I have collected over the years. And since I am not young there have been mmany years of collecting. Need i say more.
First off, A Big Congrats on your Blogaversary, time sure flies when one is having so much fun, right....lol
Now on to the more serious stuff......hehehe
Speaking of paper, wow, can never let a piece go or might it be that they don't wanna leave me, ya think!! Just cannot part with any , cause i might jut want to use it somewhere, know what i mean,lol!!
The moment i walk in my room, i will sense/smell, hehehe, there was someone, eyes roaming to see what is missing, and boy when i find what is not there, i am like an angry lion,lol, tracking it down and rapping knuckles!!
What have i lifted in my house, welllllll lets put it this way, there are very few clothes(only that really needs it) that have buttons, oh and flowers, the bunches suddenly look so thin....hehehe
Oh i have picked up bits and bobs everywhere, now not in yucky places, but still, i am a culprit!!
I think glitter is my main culprit here, working with it excempts nobody or nothing from also being totally covered in it, i work with the ultra fine glitter and you know how a third finds the spot and the other two thirds find 'spot', or everywhere i look, oh well , they know it's dangaroes when i work with glitter,lol!
I sure do, i might even be able to finish a new project wit all my 'Finds'........hehe
That's why i stay as far as possible away from the 'trash', i cannot see it fall and not jump after to save it, might just be part of 'THAT PIECE" ....right!!
That one, ouch, in my underwear is one place, lol, don't ask me how, also i have a small Maltese doggie with long hair, been the carrier of many a crafty item, she is so ued to me scratching through her hair/fur,she must be thinking/wondering..... 'my human has all that space, why would she need me to carry stuff for her????'
I am soooooooo lucky my doggie have not accuired a taste for anything crafty yet, i say yet, cause you never know.......lol
1st Scan to see what can be used, only then can it leave.
Well, like another blogging buddy likes to say to her hubby.....
'Look what i won again dear!!!" true, oh so true.......hehehe
My choice would have to be on nr C, need to eat, buttttt need to craft to.....lol
It sure is weird when shopping for other than food stuff, the possibilities pop up and you know, i just have to have this , cause it would look great on a card/in that piece of jewellery......right!!!
Just call me a 'craftyholic'
Thanks , this was so much fun, good to see i am not the only one whose mind wheels turn anti clockwise ......... lol
lotsa luv
Hey!! How did this sneak past me..can't believe I've been missing this. I'll be by everyday to read everyone's reveals. It's such great candy, and I'm happy to jump through hoops for it lol....if I had a hoop and could jump lol.
I will happily throw anything away if it makes room for more stash. I currently have cupboards and shelving stacked nigh to the ceiling for my stash.
I love storage almost as much as I love stash.
I have trouble discarding packaging of any kind..I can always see exactly what I can turn it into...if I had the time.
I love scrapbook papers and will drool over them for hours...it's why it take so long to get a card make.
I rarely buy anything new to wear but if I do I excitedly look for the ribbon tags inside, and cut them off for my stash.
I'm a long, long time established cutter off of buttons. Charity shops don't accept clothes without the buttons....but I'm ashamed today my button stash grows and charity has to look after itself..Charity begins at home doesn't it.
My button collection started as a child...and yes I do still have some of those buttons. In order to use some buttons I have to convince myself that I can take it back off the card if I want to.
I have to watch a video tutorial while I eat...doesn't matter if it's something I know how to do already...we can always learn something can't we.
My REAL BIG SHAME is that my dad recently gave me some jewellery that belonged to my Mom....and I keep looking at it to see if I can break it up and use it on cards.....OMGoodness....I've sunk to a new low.
Thanks for the chance to get that off my chest...as well as to win the candy lol.
Hugs lin
Too funny! Your comment on my blog sent me over, glad that I did...
Gee, let's see... I am addicted to paper, pure and simple! I cannot walk into a store (I don't care what it is) that sells paper without "taking a look" sometimes I have the willpower to walk away (just walk away) but, as the stacks of paper will attest to this doesn't happen often - lol...
I also sit in front of the computer and say, just a quick check and end up looking, and looking, and looking...
All of this crafting and looking is bad, since I get up at 4:00 am to get ready for work and don't get a chance to sit down to do something for ME until after 9:00 pm... so that makes for a very tired me (if I have the energy to try something that is)...
My poor son and husband :-)
Hugs, antonella :-)
P.S. I am also hosting a giveaway through the end of June if you want a chance... no strings giveaway also.
WOw! Am I glad to see there are others out there like me! Let me start by saying I'm 22 and have been scrapbooking/sewing/paper crafting for over 12 years now...
I am a dedicated (aka addicted/obsessed) crafter. I hoard supplies...
Example: I moved out of my parents in with my boyfriend which meant 2 things:
1) My empty closet at my parents could now be filled with craft things!!!
2) My boyfriends bedroom/front room/counter could also be used to store more crafts!!!
Its not uncommon for me to go on crafting sprees and skip breakfast...and lunch... then realize I woke up at 8 am and it's not 7 pm and I have not eaten or even had a glass of water... crazy, I know.
My friends in high school thought I was crazy because why would I want to go to a party with other people my age when I could go to card class! Sure, I was the youngest in the group but who cares! Or better yet! Why go out when I can sit alone and scrapbook/sew/etc all by myself!
I always buy at least 3 of the same scrapbook paper so that if I want to use 2 I still have a beautiful one for keeps...he who has most crafts wins....something!
I also have sticker packs I've had for many years because I refuse to use them up because then they would be gone!
My boyfriend says I'm crazy because I keep magazine clippings, newspaper clippings, odds and ends out of kitchen drawers (cupcake liners I sometimes use in crafting as well as q-tips, cotton balls, tooth picks, broken charm bracelets I keep for charms..) I keep everything...
including momentos from trips
"Is it really necessary to grad the DIsney map in every language? Do you really plan on using them all in your scrapbook?"
Well, I DID!
Hah! I can't seem to get rid of things because "one day I will need it!"
So there's my confession...
I am hooked!
And I love it!!
Hmm, this is such a fun post, what a great idea! I'm not sure I can top your story, especially as I am a purger. GASP, that's right, I go though all my stuff including scrappy stuff and purge. I have to keep the mess to a dull roar and that way, there's always room for more!
Oh course, hiding stuff (and receipts) from DH is a matter of course and threatening my kids with a miserable painful death if they touch my stuff sometimes occurs (daily?!?)
Hi Stacey! Super sweet looking blog candy and congrats on your blogerversary. My sickness leads me to make cards EVERY day. My husband in fact, said to me last night, Just stop!, this has become an obsession." Because, I was really quite sick and yet there I was mounting a whole load of new unmounted Blockhead stamps. LOL (I did go to bed early though.) I feel pretty bad today too, yet here I am blogging away. I think I have some kind of stomach virus. YUK. I keep saying I certainly have enough stamps, more than I can ever use. But, I did make a wish list from the new Stampin' Up catalog the other day. I have managed to not buy much DP lately though. My biggest addictions are the stamps. Just love them all.
PD: put you on my candy bar!
Hi, Thank you for inviting me to sweeten :-))
OMG, this is the big post and I congratulate you for the anniversary.
I checked out your cards and all your work is great.
What can I say about myself?
yeah that's it, I have become addicted to creating. Every day, every day but really I have to create at least one hour
When darkness descends, it's time for my creative room.
Good thing is, that my husband have the hobby, too: accordion.
Thank you for the opportunity to win
Be nice, greetings from Slovenia, Andreja
Hi Stacey, this has made me laugh out loud - OH and kids wondered what was up!
I'm feeling totally normal now lol after hearing everyone else's ailments - I do suffer a few uncontrollable urges now and then - ribbon I can't resist, I cut it from everywhere....bows off NEW underwear (as my 13 yr old said to me why put them there in the first place when no one sees them!!) - I got about 8 feet of hot pink ribbon off a pair of jammies last week (the jammies were okay too but I'd have bought them just for the ribbon!). When I started crafting 5 years ago my stuff all fitted into a small hamper basket - I now have a room all to myself (when house hunting recently the criteria was a craft room with four bedrooms attached...).
I've only been blogging since March this year but it's seriously addictive, I get plenty of exercise though as computer isn't in the craft room so have to walk back and forth to fuel my addictions alternately.
Well must go now as I have urges beckoning me to the craft room.
Thank you for inviting me over. Carol x
WOW!!!! a kindered spirit...Yeah!! I so have to show my hubby this post...he would agree that i'm just like you only maybe worse...
Here it is, i too love to snack and, I'm Kim and i'm a chocoholic. I've been into so many crafts that my husband has no idea what i'm into at any givin time...I started rather small and got into a little sewing...i did say little but somehow i ended up with yards and yards of material...then into woodworking and i just couldn't do a great job without all the right tools and every paint color to decorate these items...then i had a little break from crafting due to running my own business...but i couldn't stay away for long so into jewellery making...i have so many beads my husband almost crys when i go into a bead store. Then came the card making...one word folks PAPER that says it all and of course i need all the right tools, atg gun, score pad, crop a dile, cutter,every promaker ever made, can't just have a few, i NEED them all, it's not a WANT it's a NEED i tell you,lazer printer for digis,cricut,cuttlebug just to name a few and i mean a few...And yes i'm addicted to digis and how bad...so bad that it takes me sometimes hours to figure out where i even got the digi to give credit on my post..I just have so many....what a shame eh? Stamps are another sickness i have, and to top it all off i couldn't find just the right sentiments without having to buy a bucket load of stamps so i made my own line...as any crafter knows if you can't get what you need make it. Unfortunatly my Hubby doesn't think i will be successful at selling them but i forge ahead all the same just like any true crafter and started working on my next set. Hoping i sell enough of the ones i have to be able to order the new ones. I'm slowly driving my husband nuts...so he says. I do remind him that i do a couple craft shows and get some of my money back..(hoping for enough to keep me in business...crafting that is.) He then replys to me that he should be rich when i pass on...in a joking maner of course..I've just taken on a spare room and it's so full of stuff it hurts my head sometimes, i have to find more room, i just have too....and i needed the perfect camera to take pictures for my blog..and how did i end up with a blog, i started in December and i have no idea how it happened, and i can't even recall why i made one...but i love it and the talent out there is super amazing, so you ask do i follow anyone? Well i am sick, yes i admit it...i follow over 700 blogs. Do you know how long that takes in a day to scroll through that many and leave comments on the ones that catch my eye, i don't have much time for anything else, like cleaning, making the full course meals, reading, tv watching, working out...i'm obsessed. Just last night i took a one day break and my husband asked me what was wrong cause i wasn't at the computer...how bad is that? So yes i'm a craftaholic too...in such a bad way that it makes me smile..what the heck, i'm all growed up and i can do what i want RIGHT???
Thanks for the great chance at the candy and yes i'm your new follower as we are kindered spirits. TFS!
kimbob27 at hotmail dot com
Gift package #3 or the mystery....love surprises...
wow a year! congrats, Nice candy!
owww i recognise all of your stories..
i like crafting.. because i can complete loose myself in it.. and forget evrything.. also my troubles..
i stamp.. and yes.. i know evry factory that makes them.. alllll over the world..
and no.. i dont have much.. only a few thousands..and yes.. i dont know where to store them anymore.. i have such a little house..
i craft in the kitchen.. so we dont eat at the table anymore.. because it almost cracks under the heavy loads of paper, stamps and pencils..
i am glad when it is summertime and nice weather.. then we can eat in the garden.. the only place that isnot stuck with crafting things!!!
only it gives me bad feelings.. eating in the gaden.. for i dont really work anymore there..so it is a jungle..
i wear all my clothes.. at least 20 years.. who cares about fashion????
the money is used for crafting things!!!
and yes.. IF.. i say IF i buy new underwear.. and other clothes.. i immediately cut off the bows and ribbons..
i not only make cards.. i quilt and cook too..
so my bedroom is stuffed with all kinds of cottons.. meters of fabric.. and old clothes.... in all kinds of colors..
you never know.. when i start a new quilt..
so does anyone still have old cotton clothes?? i can use them!!! pyama's my husband got for his birthday.. he never weared.. because i just NEEDED that color and pattern on my quilt and atc's..
funny it is always someone elses cloths.. never my own..
paper.. yessssssssssssss i adore that..
i buy and buy....but i dont dare to use it..
than i wont have it anymore.. so i mostly use old paper placemats.. from different old peoples homes..
yes.. my friends work there.. and i asked them..to gether them for me..
so i have piles and piles of them..
and boxes and sacks.. full of stamps..
and still i see evry day stamps i cannot live without..
and yess.. i am not ashamed to say.. in the time i was teabagfolding.. i was asking for people in restaurants.. if pleasse.. pretty please.. can i have the teabag....
and i wasnot even IN the restaurant.. just passing by...
i picked up many from the floor too..
yes... i am a real baglady!!!! ( or how you call these woman in the street.. with a lot of plastic bags.. and looking in evry trashcan if there is something they can use..) only i still have my little house..but that is ONLY.. because i have to many stamps and cottons.. to carry around the whole day..
imagen.. how many stamps, paper and other stuff you can buy.. if you didnot had to pay the rent evrytime!!!!
I realy love to read about your (mine/our)addiction I've done everything, from origamifolding, teabagfolding, embroidery on paper 3D ,collage, parchment, but the addiction to rubberstamps is the worst or maybe the best,I cant do without, always looking for new ones even I have not used all the stamps I have, I always see stamps that I dont have and that I realy need. And than I don;t even talk about eyelets,paper, ribbon,brads and alle the other stuff I need to make card more beautiful and learning all the techniques make me sit behind the internet hours before I go to work and after work, yes I need to work, the children need some food and I need to buy new stamps...but I have too little time now for stamping...
Well I used to be a normal person. Even when I started out for a number of years it was something I did for fun regularly but not a problem at all. I even stopped altogether for a while.....no worries! Then I got back into it and some friends you may see one of them in loads of challenges and in a good number of DTs (Lovely Linda....all her fault!!) introduced me to the world of challenges and blogging. At first I resisted, (easy when you only have dial up) but then earlier this year we got a new imac computer with a big screen & we got very fast internet so there was no reason to resist!! At first it was easy to hide the addiction. I would wait for my husband to go to work and then I would be on....before I knew it, it was lunch time. Then I would have to go and make cards to enter into the challenges.....oh my goodness the husband will be home soon.....quickly clean & tidy, lick and promise and then all would be well when he walked in. Luckily he goes to bed really early (8.30 - 9.00pm) so that back I would go, entering, entering, checking up how I had gone. I am also now on 2 DT myself, Triple T Tuesdays and Jac-inks, (check them out!!)In my spare time I would go to our crafting group get togethers, 4x a month to scrapbooking at least once or twice a month to card making. Sadly, my husband has had a brain bleed 3 weeks ago. I am barely able to keep up with the DT and have not been able to leave my husband at all for a few weeks (Dr's orders) and now he will be home for a few months....I have had to put the brakes on at least to appear normal to him....don't know how long I can hide this.....HELP!! Send me some candy please!!!!
Well thanks for letting me know about your candy. They're all lovely prizes. But I guess I will have the least chance of winning - but I will jot down some things anyway.
I live alone, have never been married, work a couple days a week to pay the bills, the 3 bedroom home I live in is filled to the brim with my creative stuff. I try not to have too many people over, cause that means I have to clean the house and takes away from my creative time - not good. I sew all my own clothes, but really don't throw anything away... and not much to salvage there. But since I only wear jeans, T-shirts & turtle necks these days I have a room full of fabrics, buttons, beads and all the paraphernalia used when I sewed more, so that all gets put into my crafting stuff. I'm not a funny person - really, although I have made a few people laugh with my dry humour. But suffice it to say, I'm creating every minute of the day and usually can be found in my craft room. Yup and without that 40% coupon probably wouldn't buy it.
Your candy is great! I wish you best on all of the entries, my problem is I'm not funny anymore and I plead the 5th on the things I've done before. I will say that in many ways I'm also addicted to card making. I never have too much paper, punches, dies, stamps, digi art and/or supplies. Thankfully I also have a loving and patient hubby. There is not much he has to say about my addiction because he is the one who got me started with my Cricut and now I'm into cards in a much larger than I was before. He'll even take one of my coupons in the craft stores for me and purchase one of the 1/2 price or 40% items I want. (I don't buy most anything if it's not on a really good sale. Hugs, dj
Hey Stacy, I hope this makes you feel better, reading yours sure made me.
OK, here we go, I love to craft, I don't just mean paper, jewlery making,photography(I could have gone on a mini vacation with the price my camera cost, don't tell my husband), knitting,sewing,mosaics,quilting. I got to the point where I told myself no more. So know I focus on my main crafts,cardmaking,scrapbooking, and photography.
I feel like I should put price tags on my items in case of an unforeseen occurrence telling my husband not to sell it for less then I priced. I need more space, maybe I could kick my husband out of the bed room.
Ohhhh paper ,I love it. I almost wish they would stop making it for a while so I could catch up. Stamps and ink, don't get me started. Who needs shoes,cloths, and the like when you have crafting supplies to buy,and they last longer and make you happier. And last but not least I own enough glue dots and other adhesive to wall paper my whole house with my scrapbooking paper.
If you tell anyone, I will totally denie it and say my computer was hijacked by some crazy person. The End
Thank you for doing this! Your candy is great:)
Well, I can't top you Stacey...
I started to make cards in january 2010 and yes, I'm addicted:)
I'm afraid that I could open my own store with all my stuff. And it's always some new things that I need. My crafting room is getting to small, but I've more rooms:)
I'll take what I need for the perfect embelishment! That is final.
You'll find my crafting goodies all ower my house... And Fillip (one of the dogs) is very helpful and carry around flowers, papercuts and lace in his beard.
I work full time, have my own house, car and pay the bills. I'm not hungry and I'm wearing clothes:) My children have moved out so it's only me and my animals left:) And we are living a good life. So... I'll keep on making my cards and buy what I need to do that:)
Hugs, Heidi:)
Congrats on your blogoversary!
Hugs, Heidi:)
Stacey, I really would have answered the questions, but I have no prob telling you have addicted I am. I have actually hid stuff in the attic because I have so much paper I don't have room for it anymore. Big prob at Christmas, because I had to go up and get the Christmas decorations because I didn't want hubby to see the extra stuff (he calls my paper kindling). I almost don't like to send my cards, I love all my paper!! Maybe I can just send one of my kids (just kidding, hehe)
congrats on the blogaversery
hugs jenn
well at least when we come on here we are always up for a laugh,awesome candy hun,you are a complete,nut just like me lol.
Well eating no not in my craft,room got fed up with trying to eat,chocolate,then getting so engrossed in what I was doing got fed up eating paper and,beads.
Not great when,you go to the loo,makes it interesting, he he
my pj's are now held up with,pins,as all the ribbon is now on my cards,
My west highland terriers,are lovely and white,perfect for clippings,to add snow to my cards,
when I have crafting goodies,arrive and hubbie is home,I say I won them or say my daughter is shopping early for xmas and sent them here for me to keep safe.
Lunch,supper,breakfast,all usually ends up being cooked several times,as usually ends up burnt,but if its not too bad,I display it,nicley on the plate,thinking its a card,lol.Mind you potatoes,and feathers,are not a great mix,
Last and not least,I have my own room,sleep on my own,hubbie is upstairs,so I can get up each night,when these mad ideas come into my head,and craft away my excuse,he snores so need my own space.
Usuall comment i get is,woman you on that computer again,or all you think about is making cards,and playing with pens,about time you grew up.
My reply I did grow up married you,but now your mot has run out. so looking for a new model,
happy blog anniversary hunny hugs cheryl xxxxxxxxx
Thank you for your sweet comment on my blog....and WOW...you have awesome candy....congrats on the anniversary!
In a rush at the mo to finish something for a challenge, so won't let you in on my WHOLE illness.....but I did rifle through the childrens' party bags (hid in the kitchen with 'em) before the 3 million 5 year olds arrived for grandaughter's birthday....well, you should have SEEN what my daughter was going to give them....and now all those sparkly fairy wands are waitin' 'til the dust settles...HA!
Just started stalkin'...oops....followin' ya!
your each n every part of candy is like yummy or rather say superb !
i m totally addicted to crafts .. i dun own much money or resources .. but still i try to make best out of it ..
i started crafting wen i was a lil girl ..
i like all ur packages .. the one with papers is yummy .. i have fetish fer pp .. i g crazy fer pp n stamps .. its a bad addiction ..
all the best
following you plus posting on my sidebar
Hi Stacy :) My name is Claudia and I just became the newest follower on your great blog... I love fun stuff like this, and right now, ...I feel like typing... :) so here goes...
First of all let me tell you that u are extremely generous giving away all that 'free' stuff, so nice of you... and I love the way u make us 'work' for it :) anyway here goes hope I don't bore u.
I started off by making cards,,, all I had to work with was paper, I think I did o.k for a while there but when I saw other peoples cards I decided to up my game. It was time to step it up.
So the next time I went shopping I stocked up and came home with quite a bit of stuff. and now I'm extremely addicted to flowers, anything flower is good, ribbons and butterflies. I love the look of them flying around on any card or scrapbook page.
When I sit down at my desk getting ready to scrap/create for a couple of hours there, I make sure I've got 2 things, a big glass of cold water (to clear my mind every so often) and my cat.
She used to be little so having her stretch out on my neck felt good and relaxing, just what I needed... but now she's all grown up and heavy but she still insists on being there, we have grown so close together that I feel when she's impressed by my creations or not...
When I'm doing good - she's asleep - if I'm not up to par she senses it and let's me know shes not impressed by meowing and purring constantly, it becomes so annoying that I have to go check out a couple of great blogs to find some inspiration again ,, finally when I'm back to my normal creating self she settles back into my neck and dozes off.
My crafting room is off limits to anyone carrying a broom for fear of removing anything that might be needed in the next year or so.. When it needs sweeping I'll do it, which is about once every couple of weeks, if that..
I've been known to pick up bags of clothing from thrift shops, they want to get rid of them so I help them out by cleaning them up for them... I take them home and carefully go through them taking off the buttons, ribbons, gems, and images, and then reattaching the treasures to my creations using hot glue or whatever other glue works. It works perfectly and I've not given a cent for them... :)
I'm absolutely addicted to buying craft items, it could be anything, as long as it's on sale, no matter what the sale is if it has that yellow sale sign, I'm buying, most of the time, I have every color ribbon possible, but most of them are running low again, paper, well, u do understand that I NEED every available color, i mean it does HAVE to match.. right??? and I could spend a fortune on embellishments and bling and would still NEED more...
Needless to say I love creating anything for anyone, as long as it makes them happy I'm happy :)
Anyway that would be about all for now, u probably have so many more to read and laugh at... :)
Happy blogoversary Stacy!!
and wishing u many more...
Claudia W.
Thanks for inviting me to join your candy. I certainly do not mind sharing my "illness".
I have scrapbooked since I was a teenager and then in 2004 I started really focusing on my family sccrapbooks and joined a couple sites...... and the next I knew I was "addicted" to everything new, I was ordering online, shopping locally and buying.... tons of stuff. All my books were getting bulkier and bulkier and then POOF- I started stamping. Now I have had to sell off lots of my scrapbook stuff to support my stamping habit. LOL- shhhh don't tell my hubby though. I am such an addict! That is it. Gotta love all the new goodies every day coming out.
Wow! I thought I had it bad. These women are seroously in trouble, lol. I want it all. I don't bother saving up any more, I have plastic! That nifty little 2x3 piece of heaven gets me anything I want, when I want. The latest DCWV paper stack? Yep, saw it and got it. That snazzy book binder? You guessed it. Ohhh when those home shopping channels have all day scrapbooking/craft day, my little piece of plastic almost catches fire. I have an odd assortment of items that would be "just perfect" on that next LO or card. My dear hubbys granny gave me a pair of earrings ( just because) and alas, I cut the posts off because they would look better as centers for flowers that hanging off my ears. It has gotten so bad, I've trained my delivery guys to come BEFORE my dear hubby gets home from work! The last delivery, he offered to hide it on the other side of the house. See? They feed my addiction! Well, all this talk has got me in the mood for some shopping....Thanks for the chance to win, now go get yourself some help!
Ok Stacey, you have been to my blog so you now probably know I have an obession with paper! YIKES I said it, well ok I lied, it's all supplies. I go to Joann's or Michaels at least twice a week (what I have nothing better to do on my lunch hour) Although I always tell myself you don't need that or I'm not going to buy anything, but I go in for one thing and walk out spending $80 and on what I don't know. I haven't used it yet so when I know I will let you know. LOL! I can't stop buying cricut cartridges or machines- I don't know why but I feel this sense of I need it. I would say I have only used probably a good 30 of the 120 I have- how crazy is that?
I now have Fridays off and I find myself spending the whole day in my scrapbook room- I don't do any chores, I don't want to leave the house and I still take the kids to daycare so I can craft all day. Then I feel guilty for not doing any of the stuff I should have been doing. But this is what makes me happy, so even as other see me as crazy or insane for that matter! I just smile!
Stacey, you're so generous for your anniversary! Thanks for offering up so much - and so varied - blog candy. :) I feel as addicted as the next person with my crafting. I stuff all my craft store receipts in unusual places, so my husband doesn't see them. I try to buy only with cash, so he can't track me by the credit card statements. And I throw away the packaging by stuffing it into the garbage can under something else yucky, like coffee grounds and last night's dinner scraps, so he won't want to root around!
I would happily accept any of your prizes but #2 catches my eye 'cause of the MS punch!
Happy Blogaversary!
Hi Stacey, Congrats on your anniversary. I really understand where you are at with your crafting. Yes, I too, borderline addiction to my crafting. I have been known to purchase clothing from the thrift store, just for the buttons. At 50 cents, how can a crafter pass it up!?! I have gone out into public while in the middle of a project with glitter, rhinestones, ribbon, and tape attached to me in some embarrassing way. My family is finally starting to figure out, that if I am busy crafting, it will be awhile for dinner, yes, I have been known to tell them, "you won't die of starvation, so get a snack!" When I am gracing Michaels with my presence, I have been known to ask for empty cute boxes to use to store my "stash" at home. Those women, all but know me by name. They also know that I will firmly defend the that the item I am purchasing IS on sale, and my coupon is still current, even though they pulled the tags early! They also have witnessed the fact that I dance in the aisle to the mucic, while I am shopping. I have at times considered using my Wedding Dress for some kind of craft item too. Even though is was a $1,000 gown, and a size 5, (which I will never fit into again.) But thankfully I haven't! I would love to win prize # 3, why, because they are items I don't have in my stash!
Wow Happy Blogerversary!!!!!!
I am reading and giggling and also drooling with thoughts of wonderful blog candy. Until a few months ago I had never heard about blog candy or knew what it was. I have to say it sounds like something I could really like. Ok my sickness I do admit to be a craftaholic. Any and all kinds of crafts and have always looked at anything that may be thrown away as potential craft supply. Add that to my packrat mentality and the result is I NEVER throw anything. Well I am trying these days I don't bring home tiny boxes or bubble wrap. I can't truley relate to the dust bin thing. I make my living as a housekeeper and I have been known to raid the little plastic things that get dropped on the floor. Anything is fair game. Buttons are a favorite of mine and I have the stash to beat all stash. My crafting has gone from ceramics to painting to sewing and now I am addicted to paper crafts. I have boxes, totes and themsome of ribbons lace and little wood pieces enough to open a supply store. Thank you for making me feel better about my addictions!
Hi Stacey,
Well, I've been thinking for ages just what to admit, here; there are sooooo many things craft-wise that I just can't get enough of, but for the sake of my sanity, among other things, I'm going to have to cut back a bit or it'll never end...!!!
I started crafting 2yrs ago and I was firstly addicted to punches. I'd pore over them online, choosing any sweet shapes I could get my hands on. But then... and this one has bitten me the hardest... came the stamps. Clear stamps and red rubber, wood block or cling: you name it, I have to have it! I would watch YouTube videos and immediately hunt down the stamps they'd used, and buy them. Sometimes it would take hours - literally HOURS - to find the company that made them! I remember once I ordered some and arranged to collect them. My (extremely kind and patient) husband tried to pick them up after work but, horror of horrors, he couldn't find the shop!!! So, after some tears (can you believe it?!) I made him take me to collect them the next day. The next day the shop was shut. Wow. Tantrums ensued. FINALLY, after a letter of complaint from me, he picked them up the day after, and brought them home. Well. The transformation in me was amazing. I was all smiles and in a very good mood for days to come!
(Suffice to say, I had everything delivered from then on!)
Since then, I've had numerous packages through the door, many trips to the post office to collect large items, and a few import-charges to pay, which I hadn't realised were a problem...!
My poor husband has the patience of a saint, which is another reason I'm cutting back on my purchases... and also entering to win some of your candy! It's partly for his sake :)
Phew! So that's just a fraction of it; it's a relief to get it off my chest :)
Thanks for your wonderful generosity!!!
Tasha xXx
Hi Stacey! congrats on your anniversary!
I have been card making for 4 yrs now a friend also got me hooked started with SU and have moved on to digis. I am constantly looking for something not sure what, I just pick random things and put them in my craft room where one day they will be used, I make my son pick up stuff that I see out on the street,his five so dosent mind yet. My husband will hand me my packages that arrive and say " wow you won again, your very lucky" and then turn to my son and laugh. I do then say ok no more for a while he dosent believe that either. Thanks for the chance to win.
Oh my giddy aunt - what a funny group us crafters are....we all have our funny ways and feed our addiction in some of the strangest ways! I am guilty of many of the above things and a few more...my family think it is hillarious that I use the aluminium foil trays from Apple Pies and Croissants to run through my Cuttlebug - I have also used Chicken Wire and Guttergard!
The neighbours DH thought I was insane when I went and asked him if he had any spare window mesh - perfect for masculine cards....well, for me that is...not the neighbours DH!! LOL! I take my camera everywhere and am always photograph things that inspire me!! I am so obssessed that even my DH wakes up with card ideas!! LOL! I could go on but I think you get the idea - and...I need to be careful incase my DH reads this - thanks for the opportunity to win some of this YUMBLY Candy - I love an enabler and you are one generous one - I am going to be obsessing about it now!! {{{hugs}}}
Hi Stacey, can I just say thank you for commenting in my card and for the invitation to your awesome blog candy draw, congrats on your blogoversary!
As most crafters, I have recycled old christmas cards, buttons off clothes before throwing them away, the fabric too sometimes, especially denim. I cut out the ribbon hangers from inside my clothes and have recycled cardboard tubes which once housed chocolate hotnob biscuits so that I have somewhere to put my pens and pencils, of course I had to eat the chocolate biscuits first, otherwise how would the pens have room in there! ;)
I have had one scary crafting moment though, I once woke in the night to a very irritating eye, I noticed something stuck to my eyeball (!) on the edge of my iris. I went to hospital and had to stay v..e..r..y still while the nice doctor held a scalpel (!!) to my eye, he got it out and showed me what it was, he said it was 'glued' to my eye. Turns out it was a tiny piece of plastic from a sheet of peel-offs!
But even that hasn't put me off crafting, although Hubby bought me a pair of eye goggles incase I need them LOL
Have a great week,
Jo xx
Well, I don't think I can top this! But all things you're talking about sounds very similiar :-)
We have a cat (called Mouse) and he has a "cat toilet" in our house. He doesn't use it that much because he's outside all the day, but sometimes he has he really needed when he's inside... One time I was crafting and had all my stuff around me parked, also on and around the cat toilet... Apparently Mouse was so desperate at that time (ofcourse I don't noticed because I was CRAFTING, lol) that he choose the couch to turn to... O boy, from that time I never forget to let a way to the toilet free when I'm arounded with crafting supplies!
Wish you strength with you crafting illness and with reading all those stories of co-crafters ;-)
Hugs Ing
Hi Stacey! it is me!! COngrats for your blog anniversary :) i dont have much things to share but hope this qualify me to enter the candy :)
so here are my illness when it comes to shopping :
1. I will always say there isnt enough pink cardstock and pattern papers at my house so i have to get at least 2 papers the same design with me. Not to mention all pinky embellisments.
2. I am crazy over colours so i always said i must get something in complete eg embossing powders
3. Work hard to shop more craft stuffs that end up in other people hands--alas..for give away :P !
4. Weekly visit to scrapbook shop is really heal me when i have a bad mood or feeling unwell!
So here are my illness when it comes to crafting :
1. WorkSpace must be clean if not i will get totally bad mood!But sometimes after crafting i also lazy to clean up :)
2. i love the smell of my colour pencils so i always sniff when i open it. :)
3.No matter what colour that i use pink is always the best to my eyes :P
4.I am always lazy to move around to get my craft stuffs when do crafting so that whichever nearby me will be use often, others..forget it :P
5.Music or sound from television is a must for me when i do crafting.
6. Lastly..i always wipe and admire each single stamps that i have ever month even again..i smell it...awww so weird of me!!
Ooops...I posted in the wrong place so I am pasting this in to the right place:
I look for cute ribbons that are going to be trashed. I have to save them all!! When the agency I was working for was closing, I would see pretty ribbons from floral arrangements being put in the trash cans and I would swoop down and grab them back out. Did those women not know me at all? How could they throw away perfectly cute ribbon? My boss actually had a wonderful butterfly that I wanted but I never did manage to get that away from her!
Happy Blogoversary!
Hey Stacey, thank you for your lovely comments on my blog and congratulations on your milestone! Heres to many more years blogging! ;-) Well lets see...
I find myself looking for something I can use in my crafts ANYWHERE! If I am in the supermarket/shops/garden/-lets face it ANYWHERE I am thinking about craft and what I am going to do next! I have a chronic illness and craft is my strength-I'll be laying in bed in terrific pain and feeling really rough and if you looked in my mind I just lay there thinking 'when I am better i'll start..' and I have a mental inventory of all my craft items, stamps, ribbons, papers etc etc and theyll be right there in my mind ready to plan my next project with! :-)
Oh and have you had that look family give you when you start talking about crafts? I get that all the time ;-)
Best wishes, Elaine-xxx- p.s feel free to enter my candy if you like :-)
Hi Stacey,
many thanks for your nice comment on my Blog. I have visited your Blog and have tried to understand your Blogoversary. Unfortunately, my English is so bad, I have understood almost nothing. And, unfortunately, thus I do not know what I should do.
Hi Stacey,
my life I have a lot of knitted and crocheted. 4 years since I've been tinkering with random cards on. I prefer to work with rubber stamps or graphics do with needle and thread.
When I go shopping, no business is safe from me, I always look for bargains, because the craft stuff in Germany are very expensive.
So, now I've taken the Google translator to help and hope that you understand everything.
Hugs and many thanks
Oh, Stacey – that´s such a hard mission for me… there´s nothing that funny about my addiction for crafting…. hmmm…. did I tell you that my husband loves to be “very unique”? 20 yrs ago, we did not know each other then, he travelled to London and bought himself a Herman Munster t-shirt…. this was his most loved and favourite t.shirt since then… people always stare at him, when he wears it… and he loves that… but now – 20yrs. later – you can imagine that this t-shirt is over the hill! He was very sad when I told him that and thought that an era is over now – where would he find such a t-shirt again? But: I´m a crafter! I secretly took a picture from his t-shirt, edited it on the computer and sent it to a copy shop – a few days later he had a brand-new “favourite t-shirt” in the mail box … it´s so easy to make my husband happy – the problem is: now he had the idea that I could make myself a Lily Munster shirt … help!!!
Thanks for the chance to win one of these gorgeous giveaways!
My favourite is gift#2 :-)
At first, happy bloganniversary!
Like all crafters, we are all crafting crazy! We all have our weird habits...;-)
Everything is collected in the household:
No buttons of the clothing are safe, toiletrols can be used for minialbums (so please don't throw it away dear hubby of mine!), all kinds of boxes from cereal, tea etc. are in my hobby clauset.
My husband is perfectly knowing about my Obsessive Crafting Behaviour...
- How much did that coust he asks... I always have suddenly forgotten...
- I ask my husband: "Don't you need some new tshirts from the store sweetheart?" His respond: "You just want to go the craftstore!"
- Really need some new paper. My hubby says:"you have a drawer filled with papers?"... "Yes but this is different! Really!"
Luckily my husband loves me a lot when i am crafting. My sweet woman who's crafting and still loves to cut, draw, glue etc.
I think i seriously need a place in the OCB group... (Obsessive Crafting Behaviours) but hey, on the other hand.
Crafting is Fun, relaxing, a distraction from your daily problems. We are no harm to anyone.
Crafters all over the world, keep on crafting!!!
It's almost a year now since I started blogging & my status can now be said to be "ADDICTED". Even my kids tell me so. I have neglected a lot around the house like cleaning. I rush with my cooking just @ half an hour before meal times. If my kids aren't home I get so engrossed crafting/blogging that I forget to eat then wonder why I'm hungry. I collect everything & anything for crafting from chocolate boxes,trays, wrappers to shells, pebbles & sand. I seem to find a possibility with practically everything I come across & my crafting room is partly turning into a garbage dump. Just today my daughter brought it to my notice that I talk to myself when I'm deciding on what to use on a card. Phew! I'm turning into a crazy crafter!!
I think I'm on my way to become cardmaking- and scrapbooking addicted. it's almost a year since I started with this hobby and now I have occupied a whole room in my house with all kind of paper, cardstock, tools, empbelishments, stamps (they are my passion), ribbons, buttons, etc. My husband is already afraid to enter this room;)) I am so addicted that I spend hours in making cards, browsing the Internet shops (I want to buy almost everything I still don't have) and I thin my daughter is catching the same addiction:))) She's 5 years old, but she also wants to make cards and to put all sort of embelishment that she thinks is interesting - last night she took a plastic cap of bottle from the reastaurant we had dinner at and declared that she is going to use it on a card.
I am trying not to expose my addiction to my friends but I'm afraid it is not possible anymore. Now we are going to go to the seaside for a vacation and I am considering the possibility to take some of my paper stuff there but I don't think my husband will be happy with it;)))
When I read all the previous posts I realized that I'm not the worst case... yet;))))
Hi Stacey, thank you for visiting my blog and inviting me to yours. Great candy giveaway and your post made me laiugh! I don't think my addiciton is quite as advanced as yours, but addiction it is. I too cut ribbons off things that are still being used, never throw anything out that could still have a use. My hubby maons all the time about how musch stash I have and how much space it takes up. I jsut show him some of my blogging buddies to make me look better- I will perhaps let him read your blog and then I'll look like an angel lol!
I have a seperate e-mail addy that I use so he doesn't see all my crafty mail as well
thanks for the chance to win x
Okay Stacey, I decided to bite the bullet and give it a go.
Where to start? I'm sure I've forgotten half of the daft things I've done in my pursuit of this addi... er, I mean hobby. Here's what I can remember:
A couple of years ago we were in Yorkshire, England on holiday. There we were, wandering over hill & dale and humpty back bridges, when I spotted something fluttering in the breeze. It was sheeps wool, stuck in the branches of a bush. Of course, visions of a cute card with a fluffy sheep were in my head so I had to have it. I still have it, but no fluffy sheep card yet!
Another time, when we were on a cruise I asked the maitre de to make a copy of the formal night menu for me, which he kindly did, and that one did get used for our formal picture.
Then there was the time I was making cards for a sale I was doing, and needed something to use for cats whiskers, I tried wire, but it didn't look right, so my hubby came up with a brilliant idea...bristles from an old broom. It worked perfectly! What a great hubby I have, he is very supportive of my addi... er, hobby, and quite often will bring me stuff that he finds in his shop, or he'll surprise me with something he thinks I can use, a little tool kit for instance. I think he understands me, because in all honesty, he's also addicted to tools ~ for woodworking.
Like everyone else, I don't let anything go to waste, I save anything and everything that can be glued, embossed, embellished, punched...you name it. On my work desk right now is a red plastic mesh bag that had oranges in it... I'm sure I'll be able to use it on something. I scrap booked a picture of my youngest son eating his Cheerio's... that time I added real Cheerio's to the page and went to the Cheerios website and found some interesting tidbits about their history.. did you know that Ashton Kutcher used to work for them?
Something else that convinces me of my craziness, is that I also talk to myself when I'm making cards!
Then there's the toilet plunger incident....you already know about that one. By the way, it is still doing a great job holding extra t.p. rolls.
Well, I think I'd better stop there. Congrats on your blogaversary Stacey.
Luv, Babs
Hi Stacey, thank you for invite! Fab blog you have and great giveaway. Congrat!
Anyway I started bloging 2 years ago, I was at home and just wanted to have a blog of my own. About crafting: my first experience with cards was way back in my early ages, I loved crafting when I was a child. It was fun for me, and in my midages I had other stuff to do. So now I am so again in love with crafting and so love to craft with my son. He loves cardmaking. I love to make jewellry, cards, crocheting. I am girl for everything. :) I dont own a craft bug (dont have money for that :((. That is all from me. Thanks again for the chance. Hugs,moni
Isn't it funny how people talk to themselves when crafting?? Ha ha I'm so glad I'm not like that! I only make squishy fishy noises with my lips (tip: scrunch your lips up like you're trying to blow a spit bubble (and don't say you have no clue how to do this cos everyone's done it!) and blow in and out real fast, it should sound like a bath toy being squeezed real fast.) But alas, that's only when I'm on to a REALLY brilliant idea...
Tweety knows that that noise is a good sign that all is well in my crafting world. And you can be pretty sure theres no pink and purple in sight. LOL
Hi Stacey,
Thanks so much for stopping by, the sweet comment, and the invite to participate in the blog candy.
I loved your post and addiction story. Just too funny and oh so true for so many of us but I've got to get back to my craft table so no time to chat now. Now does that give you enough info for my addiction? LOL "Hugs" Carol (Granny)
Firstly Stacey I must offer you my most sincere condolences - your illness sounds nothing less than fatal!!! If fishing things out of the cat's butt doesn't finish you off (I know you didn't actually go that far - but you would have...yeh?), just be careful with the next mouthful of chocolate raisins - there may be an escaped pin or brad lurking in there waiting for you!
I must admit to 1 or 2 flaws myself - I'm afraid nowhere near as bad as yours tho.....I too have a dog but have never spent time wondering what I'd recover from his 'dooings' and what I wouldn't............... hang on tho, thinking about it............ummmm!
I have been known to take the light shade down from my youngest daughters bedroom ceiling - she was too old for it and it was very noisy! Well it was when I cutting it up, it was a very shiny/2tone/crinkly plastic paper, I'm sure it hadn't even passed Health & Safety! Looked lovely made into a flower tho!
My son has also been saved an injury or two by my vigilance - he had a pair of jeans that had this hefty metal tag thing on them - it would've had his eye out!
However the most recent 'episode' happened not that long ago: My mum - who is also a hoarder, oh no sorry 'collector of things that may be useful sometime' - and myself were walking down the street when we came across an abandoned shoe! It was a flip-flop type of sandal that had huge clear gems along the straps!!! We both came to a dead stop, looked at each other and at the same time said "No!" Then laughed and again said at the same time that if we were not with the rest of our family - or it was dark - we would've picked it up!!! How awful is that???????? I actually thought of picking up and taking the stones off a discarded shoe! ...Please don't tell anyone!
Happy Blogaversary and thanks for running such a fun and unique candy offer :)
Carol x
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