It is time to reveal the winners of my
blogoversary giveaway!!
Let me say this was extremely hard to choose the winners. I so wanted to pick all 70 of you who entered. I am one month shy of making it to my 20th wedding anniversary. If I buy presents for everyone, I either forfeit my gift, and we can't let that happen or I
can say I have been married for 19 years and 11 months, so I can't let that happen either.
So I painfully chose my winners feeling horrible for leaving many of you kind, funny, craft addicted people out.
I had so much fun reading everyone's stories & addictions! There is some funny stuff going on out there! The whole idea was to expose your addiction and make me feel better about mine
I heard a lot of "I can't top yours," Am I that bad?!!!
Don't answer that!
Then reading the stories we all realize we are in the same club! I did get some new ideas though... hmmmm
There are a lot of pajamas without strings, undies without bows, pants without buttons
Funny stuff!
Thank You to everyone who participated
and became my follower! It was so much
fun reading your posts. Thank You to all who
have followed me through this year!
OK lets start the reveal!
Dorcas has been chomping at the bit wanting clues as to what her gift is! I have been
as vague as possible!
Did you earn it girlfriend?
You started off shakey by revealing my illness, but then redeemed yourself by exposing some of yours.
"I only make squishy fishy noises with my lips (tip: scrunch your lips up like you're trying to blow a spit bubble (and don't say you have no clue how to do this cos everyone's done it!) and blow in and out real fast, it should sound like a bath toy being squeezed real fast.) But alas, that's only when I'm on to a REALLY brilliant idea..."
Have I taken apart clothes for the bits and bobs? Yes. *cringe*. If I'm going through my closet and wondering what to keep and what to toss I tend to look at what the garment could provide craftwise. Of course! Its called thriftiness. My one mission in life is to save my husband money, Hello! Its a button thing. He who dies with the most buttons wins. And I think I'll win.Prize? Buttons.
I WILL NOT pay $40 for any article of clothing but I will happily spend $40 on buttons, ribbon or charms.
So with that being said here are your prizes girl Enjoy!
Chocolate because we must start off with chocolate to get the creative juices flowing!
(Ate it)The 12 Prismacolor Pencils You are missing
Well 13 I ordered you a Golden Rod too because I feel sorry for it.
It is a tiny tiny nub!
(Just arrived!)Artichoke, Nectar, Sea Shell Pink, Black Raspberry, China Blue,
Denim Blue, Caribbean Sea, Blue Lake, Moss Green, Kelly Green,
Sandbar Brown, Expresso & Golden Rod
And last but not least a $25.00 Gift Certificate at:
(Sent)That is for my benefit too because if you order a Nestie
I don't have, I get to use it too! Clever right?!
Thanks For being such a great friend and always being there for me! Besides don't I owe you like $10,000.00?!!!
Just put this towards the interest! LOL!
OK here are the winners:
Gift # 2
The winner of gift #2 is:
A couple of years ago we were in Yorkshire, England on holiday. There we were, wandering over hill & dale and humpty back bridges, when I spotted something fluttering in the breeze. It was sheeps wool, stuck in the branches of a bush. Of course, visions of a cute card with a fluffy sheep were in my head so I had to have it. Then there's the toilet plunger incident....
Congrats Babs! The toilet plunger ribbon holder still cracks me up!
Gift #3
The winner of gift #3 is:
I have been known to steal a button or two from my Hubby's pants and replace with a more boring button. Shhhh...
Girl, I will pick up anything if it looks like I could craft it somewhere. God made dirt...dirt won't hurt! I find stuff stuck to my bum, all over my furry baby Bella(because she sits right under me all the time) and I have even found twine in hubby's hair...hmmmm
Congrats Jennifer! Love the stealing the good buttons from your husband's pants!
Mystery Gift #4
The winner of the mystery gift is:
I make sure I've got 2 things, a big glass of cold water (to clear my mind every so often) and my cat. She used to be little so having her stretch out on my neck felt good and relaxing, just what I needed... but now she's all grown up and heavy but she still insists on being there, we have grown so close together that I feel when she's impressed by my creations or not...
When I'm doing good - she's asleep - if I'm not up to par she senses it and let's me know shes not impressed by meowing and purring constantly, it becomes so annoying that I have to go check out a couple of great blogs to find some inspiration again ,, finally when I'm back to my normal creating self she settles back into my neck and dozes off.
Too funny, love the cat story! Congrats Claudia!
We all need a cat to tell is when our mojo is off!
Gift #5
The winner of gift # 5 is:
Well eating no not in my craft,room got fed up with trying to eat,chocolate,then getting so engrossed in what I was doing got fed up eating paper and,beads.
Not great when,you go to the loo,makes it interesting, he he
Usual comment I get is,"woman you on that computer again,or all you think about is making cards,and playing with pens,about time you grew up."
Congrats Cheryl too funny!
Gift #6
The winner of Gift #6 is:
i craft in the kitchen.. so we dont eat at the table anymore.. because it almost cracks under the heavy loads of paper, stamps and pencils..
i am glad when it is summertime and nice weather.. then we can eat in the garden.. the only place that isnot stuck with crafting things!!!
only it gives me bad feelings.. eating in the gaden.. for i dont really work anymore it is a jungle..
i wear all my clothes.. at least 20 years.. who cares about fashion????
the money is used for crafting things!!!
and yes.. IF.. i say IF i buy new underwear.. and other clothes.. i immediately cut off the bows and ribbons.
You got it bad Ineke Congratulations!
Gift #7 $10.00
(Sent)The winner of gift #7 is:
I do not throw away clothes. I'm a paper hoarder, do you think I'm going to just throw away clothes? Heck no! I have been known to take a couple of buttons or zipper pulls from pants, though. And then I still use them like a hobo.
I've never thought to check Sabo's butt for rhinestones and whatnot, but I'm always losing stuff so next time, that'll be the first place I look!
Love the hobo part! Congrats Cely!
Gift #8 $10.00
The winner of gift # 8 is:
That one, ouch, in my underwear is one place, lol, don't ask me how, also i have a small Maltese doggie with long hair, been the carrier of many a crafty item, she is so ued to me scratching through her hair/fur,she must be thinking/wondering..... 'my human has all that space, why would she need me to carry stuff for her????'
Your post made me giggle, love the doggie story and ouch about the undies! Congrats Theresa!
Gift #9
I added an extra gift since I got so many new followers when you did not have to. You did it because you wanted to.
The winner of gift #9 is Ulina because she took her crafty talent and had
a Herman Munster shirt made for her husband!
The real reason she won is because he wants her to wear a Lily Munster shirt!
Congratulations Ladies! You have been bitten by the crafting bug bad! Now enjoy your gifts and check yourselves into a clinic soon! I will see you there!