"That don't impress me much!"
Here is some Cat- ittude for you!
If there is a cat with a tude, it would be him!
He just wakes up some mornings and you know he has
given you the paw! For right now he has
lost some of his spunk, but we are working hard
to get all his "I'm better than you" attitude back!
If you have been on Dorcas blog you may have
noticed she made a card for me to cheer me up
since this weekend was a bit horrible not knowing
if I was losing him or not. The card helped.
She is the bestest!
Anyway, Cody had been diagnosed with
pancreatitis a few weeks back. He has an inflamed
liver, pancreas and intestines. He looks like a
giant cat, but don't let all that fluff fool you.
He actually lost 4 pounds and most of his muscle
mass. The vet gave him some antibiotics and he seemed
on the mend. Then on Friday I noticed he stopped eating.
This was unusual, because he has been sick before, and
has NEVER stopped eating or lost his appetite. So it was
a rough 24 hrs., but with force feeding him broth
and letting him lick tuna juice off my fingers
he gained a little strength. One of the horrible
things is he wanted to be outside and left alone.
That was gut wrenching for me because he has always
been affectionate towards me. He did not even want me
to touch him. He stayed curled up in a ball
in his little cube barely able to lift his head or open his eyes.
Again gut wrenching! My crying hysterically did not help
him any either. He has never been a big fan of my crying!
I was worried about him being warm enough
because he does not have much meat on him.
It seemed crueler to force him in the house
when he clearly wanted to be outside. He was very
weak, so I did not want to use up his energy fighting
with me. He has a stubborn streak... Where did he get
that from I wonder! LOL
So with a lot of spoon feeding and giving him
bits of chicken, turkey, and tuna, he slowly is
regaining an appetite. As of last night he started
annoying me wanting to eat. Only meat, but he wants to
eat !Yey!! You don't know how much his
annoying me, makes me happy!
eat !Yey!! You don't know how much his
annoying me, makes me happy!
He still is weak, but coming in and out on his own
now. I don't have to hand feed him now, and he is
really digging being spoiled with more meat! Just
really digging being spoiled with more meat! Just
trying to be careful because his organs are so tender.
I am hoping this all means he is on the mend and
will have a full recovery, but it could go either way
right now.
Thanks for letting me vent! The thought
of something happening to him has been more
than I can bear, but reality is, he is an older cat
with an illness. As most pet owners know,
it may be just an animal to some, but it is my
baby to me! I was able to write
this without crying, but am having a hard time
fighting the urge now!
These photos were all taken a while ago!
"I am so incredibly bored with my life!"
"I will kill you!"
He is playing... sort of. When he gets that
look in his eyes, watch out! He scoots along
the grass and WILL pounce on you or
your poor unsuspecting fingers!
"What part of no don't you understand?!"
Isn't he just the cutest?